2001/02 - Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon; Li'l Abner
The AAHS Drama Club, directed by Elizabeth Happeny
Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon
November 8-9, 2001
Cast and Crew
(may be incomplete)
Junie Moon: Alicia Kenney
Arthur: Shawn Ergler
Warren: Brandon Ledford
Mario: Anthony Harrison
Miss Oxford: Stephanie Snowberger
Student Director: Julie Settle
Student Composer: Michael Kooman
Stage Manager/Set Construction: Jeff Holland
Li'l Abner
March 15-16, 2002

Cast and Crew
Li'l Abner: Rue Moyer
Husbands: Brad Kissell, Thaddeus Stump, Chris Schaffer, Rory Johnson, Andy Clapper, Scott Clapper, Denny Karl
Flute/Piccolo: Lisa Sipes
Violin: Brianne Bickel, Katie Kooman, Cyclia Holmes, Melinda Boston
Director: Elizabeth Happeny
Choreographers: Marissa Marasco, Kristin Muri, Erika Rieger
Light Crew: Rob Hilton, Ian Cohn, Jake Fries, Chris Harpster, Abby Putt